Application Security Testing is going to be THE KEY to success of many organizations worlwide.
Follow the link to an open community created to address issues with poorly designed and architected software / application.
Sin 1-Buffer Overruns
Sin 2-Format String Problems
Sin 3-Integer Overflows
Sin 4-SQL Injection
Sin 5-Command Injection
Sin 6-Failing to Handle Errors
Sin 7-Cross-Site Scripting
Sin 8-Failing to Protect Network Traffic
Sin 9-Use of Magic URLs and Hidden Form Fields
Sin 10-Improper Use of SSL and TLS
Sin 11-Use of Weak Password-Based Systems
Sin 12-Failing to Store and Protect Data Securely
Sin 13-Information LeakageSin 14-Improper File Access
Sin 15-Trusting Network Name Resolution
Sin 16-Race Conditions
Sin 17-Unauthenticated Key Exchange
Sin 18-Cryptographically Strong Random Numbers
Sin 19-Poor Usability