Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Self-regulatory organisation (SRO) - Initiative

Self-regulatory organisation (SRO) is an independent self-regulatory body that will establish, monitor and enforce privacy and data protection standards for India’s IT BPO Industry. SRO acts as a watchdog and is targeted at employees, organisations, enforcement agencies and policy amendment, through a ‘4E Framework’, i.e., Engage, Educate, Enact and Enforce.

It is the only organisation of its kind globally in the IT BPO industry. SRO will not only reinforce India as a secure and reliable technology partner but will also bring awareness amongst employees, employers, enforcement agencies about the security standards and laws. Companies would also be provided accreditation of adhering to security guidelines.

Success of such initiatives is predominantly dependent upon industry participation. Therefore increased industry participation in defining and implementing the background verification guidelines and best practices will further strengthen India’s position in the IT BPO sector.